E-tropolis festival 2019 complete line-up
E-tropolis festival 2019 line-up is now complete!
Interview with Sonsombre. A goth rock band which is, definitely, worth to listen to!
There is a gothic band which could give a fresh new gothic sound while using the elements of great Goth Rock Bands from late 90's. I have the pleasure to present you Sonsombre.
New Rotting Christ video "Heaven and Hell and Fire".
A new lyric video is released from Rotting Christ for "Heaven and Hell and Fire".
10 days since ElektroSpank's relaunch. Thank you. Share, Like and win free entrance at Second Skin's club New Year's Eve.
It's been 10 days since our official relaunch date. And the good comments and feedback is a lot more than I expected! Share and like this article, mention Elektrospank | FMA - Online music magazine and you could be the one who will celebrate New Year;s Eve at Second Skin club..., free.
Dark electronic duo from Greece, Deathbed, release new EP.
A new act called "DeathBed" released their first tracks on December 7th, 2018.
News on Front Line Assembly's upcoming release "Wake Up The Coma".
One of industrial fans favorite band, Front Line Assembly will have their new release out on February 8th, 2019. "Wake Up The Coma" is the first full-length album since their last album in 2013.
Test Dept returns with new album "Disturbance"!
One of the bands that influenced the industrial scene the most, will be back with a new full album on March 1st, 2019.
Siva Six working on new album!
Siva Six are busy lately. According to Side-Line magazine and band's lead singer Z, Siva Six is currently in studio working on their 5th full length album.
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Mix and Casts
ElektroSpank - The Journal Show - 21/01/2024
ElektroSpank - The Journal Show - 21/01/2024
International EBM Day 24.2 | EBM, Industrial mix
ElektoSpank | FMA mix, celebrating International EBM (24/2).
Get Your Goth On - The Waves of Gothic | Mix
Get Your Goth On - The Waves of Gothic | World Goth Day 2019 - A mixcoud set for World Goth Day 2019
FuturePop We Love To Hate - vol.1
This is the first part of the "FuturePop We Love to Hate" mixes.