Family Man - Golden
"Golden" by Family Man is a gritty, raw, and captivating track that blends punk energy with post-punk moodiness and alternative rock sensibility.
Roselove - marionette
"marionette" by Roselove is a captivating fusion of slacker rock, alternative rock, and shoegaze, creating a sound that feels both laid-back and deeply introspective.
Anton's dark and cold sounds in "Sans Pitié" and "Fever"
"Sans Pitié" by Anton is a striking embodiment of post-punk and cold wave influences!
Digital Drvgs - Funeral party, Californian post-punk
Digital Drvgs is a new dark wave post-punk project a rising with the "Funeral Party"!
FLEISCH - Workout, be fit with industrial metal
Get your gym outfit and press play on FLEISCH's "Workout"!
Violetta - Nervous Tendencies, the dark side of new wave
Violetta offers a night drive with "Nervous Tendencies"!